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When entering into business with a company it is good to check and see that they are a reputable business without any marks against their name. Description This credibility check walks through checking into the basics of a company that you are intending to do business with, be it a...
A banking policy guide for cash and cheques for any business that utilises non electronic payments and receipts. Description This policy and guideline is geared more towards corporate businesses that deal in a small amount of cash, not retail or food base businesses that receive cash daily. How to Use...
This is a simple credit application form that covers off the basic information about your customer and their trade references. Long Description Extending credit to your customers can be a big decision for your business. Protecting your interests is paramount, and ensuring you have a guideline and agreement in place...
This credit notes policy is word document editable and ensures credit notes are only used when necessary. Description Credit notes should only be written when absolutely necessary as they create unnecessary paperwork for your team and for the client who is receiving the credit note. This policy and procedure cover...
The Invoice Payments Policy is a great guide to let your team know what your accounts payable procedures are and the steps for each function based on best practice. Description The editable policy document for invoice payments covers off an overarching policy description - why the policy is important to...
This single page template is a editable word document overdue invoice reminder letter template, or friendly payment remineder letter. Using this overdue payment reminder template is great to send a gentle reminder to anyone who owes you or your company money and is past their due date. Overview of the...
The timekeeping policy is often used for accounting firms and businesses where services are charged at an hourly rate. Keeping timesheets is important so you do not over or undercharge your clients. It is also a great tool to understand how much time your staff spends on particular tasks so...
The Staff Expense Policy and Guidelines is intended to assure fair, consistent, equitable, and judicious use of company funds. Expenditures of any type paid by the company should occur in the furtherance of the company mission. Format: WORD Benefits Staff expenses can get out of control in a business. By having...
This policy pertains to accounts receivable and outlines when credit may be granted, by whom, to whom, and for how long, and describes the actions involved in collection of delinquent accounts.