Occupational Health & Safety
Our Occupational Health & Safety collection has hundreds of documents for you to use to find any editable guide or document to help you run your business. Choose from complete standard operating procedure manuals to basic SWMS or JSA templates. Download quickly and simply with a once off fee and no lock in contracts.
The Docushop Corporate Responsbility and Sustainability Policy Template for businesses defines your corporate committment towards ethical and sustainable practices in your workplace for a better environment. This editable Word document is suitable for all business types and industries. WHAT IS A SUSTAINBILITY POLICY TEMPLATE? Sustainability is about creating a lasting...
A Job Safety Assessment (JSA) template is used to determine the various risks associated with varying jobs and duties in a company. The JSA Safety Assessment provides details on various activities and assesses their risks. Including: Risk Matrix, Likelihood Ratings, Consequence Ratings, Hazards, Controls, Individuals responsible & more Description What...
The following sexual and racial harassment policy informs employees of the type of behavior that is unacceptable and provides employees who are the victims of sexual or racial harassment with a means of redress. Implementation of the policy is the duty of the managers and supervisors. Format: WORD
A Job Safety Assessment (JSA) template is used to determine the various risks associated with varying jobs and duties in a company. This Australian risk assessment template is Worksafe comatible and provides details on various activities and assesses their risks. Including: Risk Matrix, Likelihood Ratings, Consequence Ratings, Hazards, Controls, Individuals...
This Company Policies and Procedures Manual Template is a comprehensive guide and overview of your company policies and procedures that once customised to your business should be delivered to all staff when they join your business so they know who you are and how you operate. We include office procedures examples...
The Docushop Return to Work Porgram Template is used by Admin or HR Departments when workers return to work following a workplace injury. The RTW template is fully editable and in word format with sample data. The Return to Work Template is completed by employers and employees when returning to...
Our editable Word IT Disaster Recovery Plan Template is a vital resource for any business that utilises computers and computer systems to complete day to day tasks. It gives you a guideline for what to do in an emergency where your systems or hardware malfunction or there is service disruption...