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Showing 10 to 18 of 29 items

Email comprises any electronic communication (including all attachments) sent or received by any user of your networks. This Policy applies to email messages sent or received internally or externally. Format: WORD




The intent of this policy is to ensure that the use of mobile phones business is correctly authorized and monitored; all business expenses incurred by staff using a personal mobile phone are correctly reimbursed, and all personal calls on corporate mobile phones are correctly reimbursed. Format: WORD




An internet usage policy provides employees with rules and guidelines about the appropriate use of company equipment, network and Internet access. This should be signed by all employees before granting them access to any of your computer hardwore, software or programs. Format: WORD




Permanent employees are entitled to personal/carer’s leave. This policy is designed to outline the allowed leave for illness, personal days, bereavement and jury service. Format: WORD




This policy defines the nature and purpose of parental leave and partner leave, setting out entitlements, eligibility criteria and other conditions that apply. This policy does not apply to casual employees. Format: WORD




Ensure all outstanding invoices are collected in a timely and professional manner to ensure optimal cash flow for the business. Ensure commercial risk to the business is minimized by analyzing a potential customer’s viability to meet its obligations. Format: WORD




This Company Policies and Procedures Manual Template is a comprehensive guide and overview of your company policies and procedures that once customised to your business should be delivered to all staff when they join your business so they know who you are and how you operate. We include office procedures examples...




The Code of Conduct covers all departments and is aimed to more closely align staffs conduct with the organizational values and ethics that underpin your policies and procedures. Format: WORD




Our Social Media Tactical Plan was put together to help you build a strategy and plan to get your message out to your desired audience. Trying to build a brand on social media without a defined strategy can be totally counterproductive. You’ll find yourself just posting for the sake of...
