This single page template is a editable word document overdue invoice reminder letter template, or friendly payment remineder letter. Using this overdue payment reminder template is great to send a gentle reminder to anyone who owes you or your company money and is past their due date. Overview of the...
An editable word document letter that gives your banking details to a supplier for payments or for change of bank account information. Description Great for changing your banking details or sometimes businesses require this information in writing and cannot accept it over the phone. The template can be turned into...
Announce your company's change in brand name to your clients with this customizable word template. Description If your company replaces its name, reach out to your clients with this single paged template. This letter includes the call to update records and reassures the client that other aspects of your company...
This single paged probation review template can be modified to perfectly evaluate an employee's probation period using customized key points for improvement and positive attributes. Description As an employee reaches the end of their probation period, it is important to review points of success and need of improvement. This review...
When new hospitality businesses are applying for a liquor license they often need application support letters, this is a letter template you can customise with your own information and the business you are supporting, in order to help get their liquor license application approved. Format: WORD Pages: 1