A detailed credit application document for your clients to complete with terms of credit and conditions of sale to ensure your rights are protected. Description Extending credit to your customers can be a big decision for your business. Protecting your interests is paramount, and ensuring you have a guideline and...
The Docushop credit application form is an editable word document template you can use within your own busniess to capture customer details before offering credit. The document comes with sample data that you can use and keep or add your own customisations to. Complete with terms and conditions of sale...
This credit notes policy is word document editable and ensures credit notes are only used when necessary. Description Credit notes should only be written when absolutely necessary as they create unnecessary paperwork for your team and for the client who is receiving the credit note. This policy and procedure cover...
The Docushop distribution agreement template is a detailed contract document used when a company is looking to secure a partner to distribute on their behalf. This is a legal document that is used to protect both parties best interest, list out trading terms and distribution territory (amongst many other areas)....
This e-commerce or online sales report document template is great for any sales manager or rep to report their progress.DescriptionSales managers should always stay on top of their company’s growth and development. But in reality, it’s hard to determine exactly what or who contributes to its success. This is because there...