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ADHD Habit Hacks Templates - Gamifying Dopamine
- Brand: IMARI Doc Shop
- Availability: In Stock
Gamifying ADHD What is it? I have created a series of visual cues that operate in a daily sequence to help habit creation for those with ADHD. It uses a system of rewards & triggers to help create habits, and make sometimes overwhelming tasks seem simple and easy to start....
Gamifying ADHD
What is it?
I have created a series of visual cues that operate in a daily sequence to help habit creation for those with ADHD. It uses a system of rewards & triggers to help create habits, and make sometimes overwhelming tasks seem simple and easy to start. It can be used for any age group.
Where it came from:
I realized that despite the fact I was medicated for my severe ADHD - I had this gap in the late afternoon / evening where lots of bad habits would sneak in. I started to do some research and realized that habit forming can be difficult for us neurodivergents, but that they can be ‘hacked’ by making a habit dopamine producing. I had wondered how to improve my ADHD symptoms whilst also remaining positive and on track.
Based on that, and my knowledge of gamification, I put together a system to ‘hack’ my bad habits in the afternoon and devise a way to keep a consistent level of dopamine based on all the good habits / routines I wanted to create, and all the bad habits I wanted to crush.
I personally had issues with ‘ADHD overspending’ or ‘ADHD induced impulse buying’ so I tried to work that into my reward system - by using money as the end goal reward. It meant I had to earn my online purchases. It has worked really well for me and helped ease some of my worst ADHD symptoms.
The Results:
I managed to turn my evenings into productive & fun ways to do boring, monotonous yet required tasks. And at the end of if - I got to treat myself with well deserved rewards that I felt I actually earned, not an impulse purchase likely to cause me to shame spiral.
Because the process of each small task was made to be fun / dopamine boosting, it made learning multiple new habits much easier than I thought.
I’ve studied habit creation, and usually adopting multiple new habits at once is hard. If not impossible. For a neurodivergent person - can be even more difficult to attain. For me, this system meant I was able to completely overhaul many of the habits I wanted to break - and bring in new habits that made me feel better about myself, and boost my overall dopamine.
How it works:
Everyone is different - so I have created the exact versions as they worked for me, but also blank versions so you can use whatever helps your own dopamine creation.
I used cash incentives because I found that to be the biggest dopamine creator. The daily tally of points from all the good actions from the day was also another big dopamine boost. I used increments of $5-$100. $5 for normal everyday things and $100 for the big goals I’d really wanted to turn into lifelong habits.
The sheets are designed for you to either follow a similar reward system as mine, or create your own.
I have a series of daily tasks I want to do every day, a series of bonus tasks that I want to do either weekly, monthly or ad-hoc, and I also have negative actions - what I call my ‘DO BETTERS’, which are things I really don’t want to do and want to call my attention to how often I am doing them, as often my ADHD means I forget I don’t even want to do that particular thing.
You don’t have to have negative actions - you may not find that motivating - I personally do, so customise the system to work for you. You can start without do betters and then see if you want to add in at a later stage.
Step 1 - Download the files
- PDF - print out the sheets relevant to you
- Canva - open the templates to edit your own version
Step 2 - Pre Planning Sheet
- Pick 3 Goals or Habits to focus on
- Break each Habit or Goal into actions
- Decide what your rewards will be in the rewards panel
- Allocate a reward for each action
- BONUS POINTS - Decide if you want these & complete as required
- DO BETTERS - Decide if you want these & complete as required
Step 3 - Actions Sheets
- Transfer your custom actions across to these work sheets
- Write the first step to complete this task (it helps to really simplify a task you may typically find overwhelming).
- Once all tasks are transferred over, cut the actions into strips
- BONUS / DO BETTERS - Repeat the above & cut into strips
Step 4 - Plan Your Routine
- Plan out when each action needs to be done (time of day).
- Put them in chronological order starting with the beginning of the day, to the end of the day.
- Identify your usual weakest point of the day - where you tend to find you are either crashing off your medication, or simply usually feel your most depleted. For me this was 5pm every day, when I got home from work. This is the time each day you will tally your points / $ earned.
- Task Preparation
- Take each action and work out where it needs to be to prompt you to do the task (i.e. by the bed, on the shower door, on the dashboard of your car)
- Lay them out each morning or evening where they need to be
- Take the tasks with you in a pile and work through them during the day
Step 5 - Do Your Tasks!
- This is the fun part! Working through your tasks and getting an awesome sense of achievement
- At your tally point each day - calculate the points earned & write it in your Goals Chart
- Tally this weekly & monthly
- Give yourself your rewards!
And that is it. If you have struggled with managing ADHD (medicated or unmedicated) this may just be a system that will work for you.
I share this because I know how much I have struggled with habit creation, ADHD shame spiraling or guilt feelings when my inattentive ways seem to take over my life. In saying that, ADHD really isn’t all that bad. My hyperfocus is what gave me the ability to even come up with this system.
I really hope my ADHD Hack system works for you. Please send any feedback to us so we know if it worked for you, or if you struggled with it - tell us as I would love to continually improve this so that all neurodivergents can use this to benefit their lives.
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