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Use this business budget template and 5 year financial plan for your small business to help you understand your financial position, your cashflow and how to plan for the future. Overview of the 5 year financial plan budget template The financial projection template is a useful financial plan example...
This single page template is a editable word document overdue invoice reminder letter template, or friendly payment remineder letter. Using this overdue payment reminder template is great to send a gentle reminder to anyone who owes you or your company money and is past their due date. Overview of the...
The Staff Expense Policy and Guidelines is intended to assure fair, consistent, equitable, and judicious use of company funds. Expenditures of any type paid by the company should occur in the furtherance of the company mission. Format: WORD Benefits Staff expenses can get out of control in a business. By having...
Our editable Admin Procedure Manual Template is a 21 page manual that takes you through recruitment, induction, probation, occupational health & safety (OHS), annual performance management, grievances, conflict of interest, intellectual property and security, environmental best practice, administration, accounts, purchasing procedures and guidelines. The admin procedure manual template has sample...