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How to Use Online Templates

How to Use Online Templates

As businesses become more competitive, the need to find ways to stay one step ahead is critical. One way to increase odds of success is by taking advantage of all the resources available to you. Why reinvent the wheel, when someone has already done the hardwork, and used their tools

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Why you Need an Exit Strategy

Why you Need an Exit Strategy

For most entrepreneurs, their main focus is in getting their business, making it profitable and ensuring it runs smoothly.  However, having an exit strategy is just as important. The day may come when an entrepreneur wants to retire, change direction have some more free time, or they pass away suddenly.

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How to Handle a Crisis

How to Handle a Crisis

Being an entrepreneur and business owner in these trialling times comes with a great degree of uncertainty. This phrase is more important today than ever before. For entrepreneurs, this is key to their success. 2020 has been a year of pain and uncertainty like never seen before. We have written

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How to ask for a sale

How to ask for a sale

With globalisation and the rise of social media like LinkedIn and Facebook, sales conversations have undergone dramatic changes. Earlier, salespeople talked about their products (or services) and customers listened. Prospective customers were less aware of the options they had, and relied on the salesperson’s knowledge. Read on to find out

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How to set strong business goals

How to set strong business goals

A part of business planning, goals help you keep on the right track and give you additional motivation to continue working hard. While making profit is the ultimate goal for any business, achieving that requires strategic planning and setting specific workable milestones. Why goals? • Goals give direction for your

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